Finding your niche with freelance journalist Gil Asakawa

In his years as a freelance journalist and writer, Gil Asakawa has carved out a few niches for himself, including music journalism, pop culture, and Japanese-American and Asian-American cultures and communities. He's written two books: Being Japanese-American and Tabemoshi! Let's Eat! A Tasty History of Japanese Food. He joins IIJ leader Erika Hayasaki to discuss his career journey and the advice he gives to new journalists.

Erika Hayaski is a writer focusing on the intersections of identity, race, psychology, inequality, science, technology, history, and the human condition. She is a former national correspondent for the Los Angeles Times and currently teaches at the University of California, Irvine as a professor in the Literary Journalism Program.

The Freelance Journalism Podcast is a production of The Institute for Independent Journalists, an organization devoted to the financial and emotional well-being of BIPOC freelancers. Learn more about our work at

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