Terms of Use

This is an agreement between you and the Institute for Independent Journalists (with its affiliates as “we,” or “our”). By using this website or any information provided on this website, you consent to be bound by these Terms of Use. If under certain circumstances, we may need to modify, remove, or add information, you are expected to review the Terms of Use page again. Continuously using any information we provide or this website will constitute your acceptance of such adjustments. If you disagree with the Terms of Use or the changes, please do not use our website or any affiliated links. 

Responsibility for Content

All information, data, text, images, sounds, or any other kinds of materials that you post on the website or share with the IIJ, whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, shall remain the sole responsibility of where the content originated from. In other words, you are responsible for what content you are sharing with the IIJ to provide the service needed. IIJ does not control the content given via the services, nor do we guarantee the accuracy, integrity, and quality of such content. Under no circumstances will the IIJ be liable for any errors, loss, or damage resulting from the post through our services. Please only share appropriate content and ones that you are comfortable sharing with others. While reading this, you agree to not send:

  1. Unlawful, illegal, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, unwarranted, offensive, that is invasive of another person’s property, targeted towards a certain group, or promotes racism/harassment of any kind.

  2. Infringes any copyright, trademark, trade secret, or intellectual property of any parties

  3. Any programs. files, software viruses that will disrupt the functionality of the website, computer software, or other services related to the website. 

  4. Violates any applicable international, federal, state, and/or local laws.

  5. Involves the transmission of “spam,” “junk mail,” “chain letters,” or any unsolicited messages that are sent in bulk.


  • All materials (like podcast/webinar videos, newsletters. books) provided on this website (collectively, “Resources”) are either owned or licensed to the Institute for Independent Journalists and are protected by intellectual property and other laws. All rights reserved unless otherwise stated. Any exploitation, duplication, resell, reproduction, or trade for commercial or business usage is strictly prohibited.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, where noted, you are allowed to download some resources for personal use only. 

  • You agree that all of IIJ’s trademark, logo, and trade names, are all property of IIJ and are prohibited for alternative or personal usage, without the consent of the IIJ. 

  • We do not claim any text, files, audio, or works of authorship, (collectively, “Submission”) that you share or transmit to us. After sharing the Submission to the website or any affiliated links, you continue to retain all ownership rights unless otherwise agreed. However, by sharing this Submission with us, you hereby permit us and associated third parties to use, modify, publicly display, reproduce, and distribute such Submission to other forms, and media now known or later distributed to, without allocating compensation to you. 


  • IIJ has the right to remove or refuse any content that was provided and given throughout the service, that violates “Responsibility for Content,” or is otherwise objectionable. You understand and acknowledge that any violation may lead to the termination of your access and services.